Use "hovel|hovels" in a sentence

1. You know how hovels depress me.

2. Aladdin's Hovel: A run-down hovel where Aladdin spent most of his young life, with his monkey Abu

3. What a hovel he lives in!

4. The bear moved into the gardener's hovel.

5. Djakarta was a collection of sweltering huts and hovels.

6. Millions live in mere hovels or are totally homeless.

7. She's back in the old hovel already.

8. From the same materials one man builds palaces, hovel.

9. The flounder put them back in the old hovel.

10. It's very uncomfortable living in a dirty hovel like ours.

11. The guy who owned the hovel was named Mr Bartles.

12. They lived in a squalid hovel for the next five years.

13. You now have a particle - based fire effect for your hovel!

14. From the same materials one man builds palaces, another hovel.

15. Synonyms for Bustees include slums, ghettos, hovels, favelas, purlieus, rookeries, shanties and skid rows

16. 'There were Cheap John shops and shoemakers ' hovels and no end of low public houses.

17. I don't know how you can bear to live in this hovel.

18. At that moment, the farmer's own son came to the door hovel.

19. And I promise you something: I won't let the house get into a hovel.

20. He thought of Hob dying in his hovel, his wife frightened of the future.

21. Yartsov and 12 other families who were assigned rundown concrete one-room hovels clustered in a muddy field.

22. Ridgery Butts was a slovenly, poor village, clay and thatch hovels clustered about its church and windmill.

23. Synonyms for Bothy include hut, cabin, shed, shelter, cottage, house, shack, shanty, hovel and whare

24. If you are on your own in a hovel it is nothing other than miserable.

25. I went for a living-in job, but the room I was given was a hovel.

26. Synonyms for Bustee include slum, ghetto, hovel, favela, Cabbagetown, jhuggi, purlieu, rookery, shanty and shanty town

27. INSIDE his hovel of branches and rags, a pauper called Badshah Kale keeps a precious object.

28. Never shall he be wed to the child a wretched soul living in this miserable hovel.

29. They therefore attracted labour without any hindrance, providing jerry-built, damp and insanitary hovels for letting to local farm workers.

30. * These durable edifices probably loomed majestically over nearby huts, hovels, and market stalls made of rough wooden frames and thatched with straw.

31. Now one summer evening, as she was trotting, full of smiles as ever, along the high road to her hovel, what should she see but a big black pot lying in the ditch!